
Qpoint Helm charts are available at https://helm.qpoint.io/.

helm repo add qpoint https://helm.qpoint.io/
"qpoint" has been added to your repositories

Then run the following to see a list of available charts:

helm search repo qpoint

Releasing a new version

  1. Create a PR that updates Chart.yaml’s version numbers.
# This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each time you make changes
# to the chart and its templates, including the app version.
# Versions are expected to follow Semantic Versioning (https://semver.org/)
version: 0.0.18 # 🚨 Update this version number

# This is the version number of the application being deployed. This version number should be
# incremented each time you make changes to the application. Versions are not expected to
# follow Semantic Versioning. They should reflect the version the application is using.
# It is recommended to use it with quotes.
appVersion: "v0.5.14" # 🚨 Update this version number
  1. Merge the PR and the index.yaml file will be updated automatically and deployed to the helm repo.